What Schools Say

Let our school partners tell you how SDM has revolutionized their afternoon dismissals and so much more.

We've brought hundreds of schools online with School Dismissal Manager and FastLaneTM over the past 11 years. We are proud of the impact of SDM has had and continues to have on our schools and are grateful to our school partners whose suggestions have been making SDM better and better. Is your school a good fit for SDM? One of our dismissal experts can show you how it would work in your school.

"Things have been great since we went live! It has saved us a lot of calls and emails and issues on our end. When a dismissal plan for a child is in question we go right to SDM rather than tracking down the teacher and looking for notes sent in. That has been a huge time saver. We are all very happy overall."
Pine Grove School, Avon, CT
"Being a campus with almost 1,000 students, safety is our #1 priority with dismissal. SDM has not only brought that guaranteed safety, but increased efficiency for both families and staff!"
Kim Baumann, Assistant Principal
Rutledge Elementary, Austin, TX
"We love having the opportunity to partner with School Dismissal Manager. Your site is very user friendly and we rely on your numerous, handy reports for multiple purposes. School Dismissal Manager is a fabulous tool in my "toolbox." We very much enjoy working with your team and appreciate ALL of the many ways that you come to the rescue over the years. If you ever need a reference, feel free to call. Anyone inquiring will hear only the best reports."
Donna Richardson
West Cypress Hills Elementary, Spicewood, TX
"Teacher alerts are a valuable addition to the School Dismissal Manager platform. They greatly improve the student dismissal process across our district by streamlining communication between teachers and parents while reducing stress among front office staff."
Elizabeth Cardle
Lake Travis Elementary School, Austin, TX
"Teachers and parents love how fast the dismissal line goes now."
Amy Mooneyham
Steven F. Austin State University Charter School, Nacogdoches, TX
"The more I use this system the more I fall in love. Seriously, this has changed the scope of my job. I feel very secure in having a place to enter student's after school directives that eliminates the opportunity for human error. It is surprising to me how much time in my day was spent on phone calls and writing info down and then re-writing it at the end of the day. Our parents are already using the system and we are getting positive feedback. For those who do not have email or just refuse to use the system, entering it for them is so fast and easy. Our bus drivers also prefer the full report over shuffling through multiple bus passes. Thank you for making our days run smoothly and efficiently. SDM is amazing!!"
Kaliska (Kaki) Russell
Talkeetna Elementary School, Talkeetna, AK
"I spent the better part of my day creating a bus list in Excel taking calls, checking emails and reading notes (some illegible) from parents. I don't worry about making a mistake and sending a student home on the wrong bus anymore. I simply print my list and hand it off to the bus monitors. I would never want to go back to the way it was before School Dismissal Manager!"
Carole Rende
Glenville Elementary, Greenwich, CT
"School Dismissal Manager and Fastlane completely transformed our way of thinking in regards to our student dismissal and car line procedures. We reached out to SDM for help with our growing car line in hopes to streamline the process for everyone involved, both parents and staff alike. We quickly realized the advantages to a better accountability system for our parents to inform us of their student's dismissal plans and the time-saving data available to our office and teaching staff. Plus, the reporting options are endless and are customized to our needs.

The Fastlane element of the program has allowed our staff to dismiss student's directly from their classrooms in a much more efficient way and has minimized our car line staff to simple duties. The pick up procedure has become a very enjoyable part of our day!

Lastly, the SDM staff are very professional, friendly and always willing to help. We had many questions when we first started and they helped us work through it all. They even came up with a special programming solution to fix our multiple campus pick up sites. Once we designated our student base to a particular site, it was so easy for all staff to use!

SDM has proven time and again to be a reliable partner with us as we continue to grow. They continue to improve and add new features on a regular basis. Our staff no longer dread the end of day dismissal procedure, but look forward to it while being more productive."
Catherine Baro and Jackie Gibson
Classical Preparatory School and Early Academy, Tampa, FL
"SDM has transformed the way we do dismissal not just during the pandemic, but for years to come. It‘s user-friendly interface and parent controls have eased the burden on our front office and streamlined transportation changes."
Kensington Elementary School, Waxhaw, NC
"Since we implemented SDM, the office is a lot quieter in the afternoon – fewer tears and no more lost paper notes!"
Eric B. Rux, IT Director
Riverside School District, Chattaroy, WA
"We LOVE the accountability piece for student safety as reports sent daily at 2 p.m. where our teachers, admin, front office, and bus drivers can all view reports for transportation changes. Parents also love the convenience of not having to wait on a phone call or busy line to our front office and ensuring documentation for changes were made through the application. We will definitely renew as other schools in our district are as well."
Brian Givens
Rainbow Elementary, Madison, AL
"SDM uploads parent information directly from our Student Information System (SIS), greatly reducing the amount of data entry."
Eric B. Rux, IT Director
Riverside School District, Chattaroy, WA
"I wanted to reach out to say thanks for all you did for us during our first year with School Dismissal Manager and FastLane. We were very happy with the software and felt that it eased our dismissal/carpool time tremendously. I asked for feedback from our teachers towards the end of the year, and it was all very positive! Both homeroom teachers and the Special Areas who assist with carpool were very positive about the system as a whole."
Anna McCubrey
Porter-Gaud School, Charleston, SC
"At the end of the day I simply walk to my buses and dismiss them. My office staff then listens to the radio of other schools trying to locate children and then casually pack up and depart stress free. Dismissal Manager has truly helped us evolve into a 21st Century model operation."
Dana Kaminski
Brooks School Elementary, Fishers, IN
"Five years running now...can't imagine not using School Dismissal Manager."
Dave Lustberg
Weston School District, Weston, CT
"Our campus uses SDM all day, not only for dismissal information. It is a great source when searching for a student and the only information available is the first name. Also, SDM provides a quick teacher roster. We can connect students from the same household, because of parent emails."
Rebecca Wright
West Cypress Hills Elementary, Austin, TX
"We were looking for ways to improve our dismissal procedure and to tighten our safety and security measures and SDM helped us do both."
Katie Winter
Primrose Elementary School, Lincolndale, NY
"School Dismissal Manager has been a great improvement by making our dismissal process more efficient and, more importantly, safer."
Joshua Ziac
New Canaan Country School (private), New Canaan, CT
"We have been very pleased with our new School Dismissal System and would highly recommend it to other schools. It's a triple-win: We've managed to make the parents, the teachers & the school office staff happy at the same time! Our parents have found the system easy to use - and it has truly cut down on much confusion at the end of the school day. We haven't needed too much support from the SDM staff - but when we have - they are quick to respond - and always try to fully solve any issue. I like that our rep communicates our requests to the developers as well - so that our input can be considered for future upgrades.

Overall - we are glad that we installed SDM. Our only regret is that we didn't start using it sooner!"
Amy Kalter
North Shore Hebrew Academy, Great Neck, NY

Get Started Today!


1-844-SDM-BELL (736-2355)

Is SDM Right For Your School?

Dismissal chaos can be overwhelming. With School Dismissal Manager, reduce the front office chaos and end of day frustration for you, your teachers, and your parents. If you have a roster file of students and parents, you can be up and running with a few hours of training and set-up time. That's less than an afternoon!